Thursday, August 16, 2007


We are moving to Fowler, IN. The town is located on HWY 52 just NW of Lafayette. Yes we will be in Boiler country. Yeah!!! The town has less people in it than the high school I went to. It is a town of about 2200. We are excited and will be very busy the next week as we are loading our truck on Saturday and Moving on Sunday after church then unpacking on Monday. Great things are ahead! I am so thankful that my children felt so comfortable at the church. It was nice to have to go look for them! Josh will be pastoring the Fowler Weslyan church and we will live ina BEAUTIFUL pasorange. I am so looking forward to it as it has a Beautiful kitchen with a dishwasher!!!!!!! I won't be the dishwasher anymore and it has TWO bathrooms! Yes the Lord has truly blessed us!Well, until next time from Indiana have a blessed week!