Today has been a full day! I am blessed by the friendships I have! Today was filled with appoitments but in between those appoitments I stopped and spent time with 2 of my friends! One I met at school about 1 1/2 ago. We laugh alot and talk about life. The time together is good! Then I met with another friend who was my pastor's wife while I was growing up. It was good to talk to her and catch up on life. I love talking to people about ministry, how to do it better, resources and how are we doing on this journey we call life.
Which brings me to my next thought. I am changing what I am going to school for. After my back surgery I was hopeful to go into nursing but the stress it would cause in my house and for me is not worth it. So, I am now looking at what I am good at and my passions are and seeing where that takes me! I am very excited to look at careers at a now 32 year old who has lived life some. It is interesting how at 18 you just now beyond a shadow of a doubt what you want to do and that you are not going to do what your parents want you to do! at 32 I am revaluating life's goals and careers for me. You are older and wiser. As I was listening to Dave Ramsey this week he was talking about the 4 different types of people in life. There are those who are the Lions-those are the leaders, lets do it NOW! The otters which is ME!, we are the care free, would rather party than work! This is why I do not do well in bible study groups because I want to talk and not do the study! :), the beavers love DETAILS....which I do not like! Tell me the big picture and it will some how fall into place! :) Then there is the golden retriver they are the calm, even keel person who is easy going and easy to get along with. I laughed while listening to Dave describe these different personalities because I am such an Otter to the EXTREME!!!!