Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am Celebrating...

The Women of Faith team has a blog hop on Friday's and I thought I would join. So..last weeks question was what are you celebrating?

I am celebrating today! I am thankful that I have 3 beautiful children, I can have my windows open, I can walk and breath and my husband has been healed! You see just not too long ago in life there was a time when I looked around and it seemed as though I could not see the things in life to celebrate. I was living in a parsonage with windows that were painted shut or had not screens. Thus I am soooooo amazingly thankful for today a house with windows that OPEN and I can hear the laughter of children outside and the breeze blowing through my windows. I choose to celebrate my 3 beautiful children even the one who is tired and cranky at the moment. A little over 5 years ago one of my children was very fragile and had just spent a time on life support facing a heart surgery. Today he is a healthy and very funny 5 year old. He is so loving and kind but 110% all boy too! I am blessed with a beautiful daughter and another beautiful son. I am thankful that I have come through a major 10 hour surgery and have been given a new life to breathe in the fresh air. Last spring it was a struggle to run let alone keep on with such compressed lungs. Today I rejoice in the ability to walk, laugh and rejoice with my family and friends. I am thankful that my husband has had the healing hand of God touch his body fully and completly. Just a few weeks ago we were dealing with day to day living for him as he had a large mass on his right lung and was taken some very toxic medication to disolve of the tumor. He was a meeting and was HEALED in the name of Jesus!!! The doctor even confirmed this for us this past week! I am choosing to celebrate and rejoice what the Lord has done today. Not what could have, should have would have been but what HAS been and IS being!!! Find something to REJOICE in today!