Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jennifer's Person of the Year!

As I was listening to the radio while driving this past week. KLOVE's DJ was talking about the person who was on the cover of the TIME magazine Person of the Year issue and asked who would be YOUR person of the year. If your still following me YEAH!!!!!

As we go through different seasons of life I think that there will be different people who qualify as the "Person of the Year" in our lives. As I think about that "Person of the Year" for me my mind races of people who have touched my life, challenged me, streched me out like Silly Putty, encouraged me, and have been there for me during the HIGH's and LOW's over the past year. Yes, there is my Heavenly Father who knew ever detail of my life before it happened, there is my earthly father, there is my husband, my kids and on and on. These are all people deserving of this honor. This year though for me the person who has been there and listened to me cry when I was scared, laughed with me, ran through Disney World with me EVERY DAY we were there, sat with Josh while I was in the OR for 8 hours the first time last year and 12 hours this time, the person who spent countless hours driving me to and from Indy for doctors appointments when I could not drive, the person who helped pack and move our lives to the other side of the state in a short 4 weeks, the person who I am honored and blessed to call FRIEND is KIM GODBEY!!!!!! Thank you for being the older sister I never had. Thank you for listening and being there over the phone or in person. Thank you for YOU!!!!!! I am going to try to high light other people in my life over these next few days too! Blessed INDEED I am!!!