Here is my DD in my Grandmother and Grandfather Campbell's
Bean Fields!
Here is my Grandmother at my husbands Ordination dinner after church with
my Uncle John!
Well as you may or may not have noticed but I am attempting to change and update my blog. I have added a signature line which I like but am still working on the "Blog Header" and when I can one day in my next life perhaps figure out this photo editing thing I could have a really cool "Blog Header". In the mean time if you have any tips or suggestions I am all yours! Today is my Grandmother Cobb's 96th Birthday! She still lives on her own in an apartment and enjoys doing puzzles, sleeping, playing cards and going out to eat! She stays with my mom and dad too out at the farm! They do a GREAT job at taking care of her and I am blessed and grateful that they do this! I see my Grandma every morning on my computer screen! Love her! I wish I would have taken the time back when I was younger to learn how to make her raspberry jam but for now I am on my own! My other Grandmother who has since gone on to be with the Lord would have been 87 today! Yes, they shared the same birthdays! She was a tough old hen! I loved her dearly and some of the things she did were provided much entertainment! She loved to listen to her CB radio and if we went anywhere she had plenty of towels to cover such equipment up with! She even had the CLUB! She was quiet something! You never went hunger when around her though. She fed you well! She also could never decided if she wanted it HOT or COLD in their trailer and so one time when I was visiting I kid you not my grandfather got up 20 times in a 30 min. period to adjust the temperature for grandmother because it was too HOT or too COLD for her! I loved her though just the same! Happy Birthday to two very special ladies today!