Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I have been struggline with how to get the laundry done and put away....PUT AWAY is key in this story. But on Sunday while talking with a friend who is helping me work through some emotional things from my past suggessted that since I had the toys "under control" but not the laundry now that I should try doing one load at a time. This was not rocket science just a different way of thinking. It has helped me so much in the last two days I can not wait to see how this progresses. I started a load...moved it to the dryer...then folded it and put it away when done. Then I moved the wet clothes to the dryer. If I had time I would move to the next load. This way I am not forcing myself to do something so huge that I can not complete it. I just do a load or two a day sometimes more. But this way it keeps moving and gets cleaned. It's these little things in life that fine me great joy in getting something done!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A MUST read!!!

I had our local library order this book and was amazed by it. I thought it would be about their loss of their daughter Marie Sue but it was not all about that. It is Mary Beth's journey. It was very encourging to me to read because she is a mom, she has and is suffering from depression and she continues on. It's really interesting reading through this book and seeing how her and Steven are two totally opposites. She refers to him as Tigger and her as Eyore. This book shares that even the tragedy of loosing Marie Sue they still were able to find some laughter and God in light of their deep grieving. This book is an easy read as the chapters are short and it is very easy to pick up and start reading again. I saw Mary Beth this past weekend at Women of Faith in Indy and she shared how she has struggled with her being the 4th trinity. Father, Son, Holy Ghost and Mary Beth! She has told God she won't do things but she is or has done all 3 things she told him she would never do and those are adopt, homeschool and speak in front of people. This is just a tip of the book....I have many good thoughts about the book but don't want to spoil it for anyone. Check it out!!!! It's as if you are sitting on Mary Beth's front porch with a cup of coffee talking to her! :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
It's been a Loooooong Time!
As it is the end of April and I have not posted since November of last year! That is a long time!! I thought though I would start blogging again! I enjoy reading other blogs and so thought I should try to keep up with mine! :)
Today while the kidos were all at school I was able to get along with Josh the garage cleaned out enough to start thinking about getting the porch cleaned off. Notice I said start thinking about. You see our porch has collected everything that I have not wanted to do something with since last fall. So, let the processes begin. I have a slight motivation though. There is a door that leads to our backyard somewhere on the porch and with summer coming and our town pool closed for the summer we are looking into purchasing a Intel swimming pool. So, there i lies my motivation. We live 35 minutes from the nearest town pool in Lafayette. With that comes cost of driving there, admission and food. So, in about 2 weeks we will defiently save the money in this investment. I am very excited about this! It will be nice to go swimming when we want to rather when the pool is open.
Have a great weekend!
Today while the kidos were all at school I was able to get along with Josh the garage cleaned out enough to start thinking about getting the porch cleaned off. Notice I said start thinking about. You see our porch has collected everything that I have not wanted to do something with since last fall. So, let the processes begin. I have a slight motivation though. There is a door that leads to our backyard somewhere on the porch and with summer coming and our town pool closed for the summer we are looking into purchasing a Intel swimming pool. So, there i lies my motivation. We live 35 minutes from the nearest town pool in Lafayette. With that comes cost of driving there, admission and food. So, in about 2 weeks we will defiently save the money in this investment. I am very excited about this! It will be nice to go swimming when we want to rather when the pool is open.
Have a great weekend!
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