Monday, December 24, 2012
2012 in review
This past year has been filled with ups and downs! I don't remember much excitement happening in January or February March brought our family to Foster Care training. We were certified in a month which normally does not happen and had a placement the Monday after Easter. I was at the store buying mattress for our newly acquired bunk beds. Josh calls and says "I am on my way to the DCS office to pick up FOUR siblings!" For 3 long months we had seven children in our home ranging in ages from 9-3. It was an adventure and very heartbreaking when it was time for those kiddos to move to a different place. I grieved. During this time my Grandmother Cobb passed away. We went out for the funeral while my father was in the hospital. He has had cancer for nine years. Closing that chapter of my grandparents was difficult. Over the summer we worked towards adoption of a 16 year old girl but that was not meant to be either. Then my dad retired from working for Green County Hospital. The kids started school Aug. 2. William was in Kindergarten, Timmy in 1st grade, and Lily in 4th grade. I was busy being the PTO President. My dad came out to visit us and enjoyed spoiling the kids by buying them new shoes, swimming, and time spent at the Children's Museum! Little did we know that would be the last time we saw my dad here on earth. In October I started a job working full time for Sallie Mae. I work in Muncie so it's about a 45 minute commute. I enjoy working and celebrated my one year post op back surgery with NO DOCTOR appointment!!!! YEAH GOD!!!! During the fall we were kept busy with both boys in soccer and Lily in piano and choir! It was interesting juggling it all. We are resting this winter from activities to my sadness. I enjoyed the activities but can't work and do it all! :) My dad passed away from his earthly home to his heavenly home on Tuesday December 18th, 2012. I am forever grateful for the relationship that I had with him. It truly was one with no regrets. 2013 is looking to be a year of change. Stick with me and see where it takes us! May you have yourself a Merry Little Christmas and remember he is the reason we celebrate!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Show Us Your Singles-Jill
Presenting the Queen
Jill Campbell!
She is my cousin! Thus no match for her and my brother below! :) Here is the 101 on Jill from Jill herself!
Fun, adventurous American girl living 35 minutes north of the Washington state border in Canada. I know this shouldn't qualify me, but I am so close that I fly out of Seattle for most of my trips. And I grew up in Colorado and still consider it my home sweet home.
I am a nurse and I love my job. I came to Canada for nursing school and got attatched to the friends I have here, so I stayed. I do have a job that would allow me to go anywhere in the world. It is one of the things I love about it.
My family and friends know that I am generous and they are loved unconditionally. And I could go on and on about my nephews Lyndon and Sylis.
I love animals, especially dogs and I have a cat named Kona. Hawaii in 2008 was a highlight that I still love to this day.
Hobbies include camping, fishing, hiking, photography, roadtrips, and concerts. My favourite concert is a tie between U2 and Coldplay and Snow Patrol. I have safely traveled to distant places like India, Ethiopia, Japan, and oh yea Canada. It really isn't all white winter in the area that I am living. It is more like Seattle, rainy and green.
I am looking for a man that can interact with me on different levels. I am well versed in many topics and can keep up with the best of them. I would love to make you laugh at some point too. :)
A few last minute facts:
I love international films and would love to one day be in Africa for missions, even if it is just for a short time.
I also don't like to eat raw tomatoes. lol.
I love international films and would love to one day be in Africa for missions, even if it is just for a short time.
I also don't like to eat raw tomatoes. lol.
If your interested leave a comment and she shall see it! :)
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
September 11th
Where were you? This question get's asked frequently on this day. I was coming downstairs from Grandma Shaefer's house, just waking up watching The Today Show. I watched as the second plane hit the tower and was glued to the t.v. for the rest of the morning. I remember being in disbelief that this does not happen in the United States! I remember thinking as I was watching that the towers are going to fall! They were infernos and there was not way they could with stand the heat. I remember watching them fall and thinking it was Ghostbusters with all of the dirt. Josh and I were just a few weeks from getting married. We were in Indiana finishing up a few details. I remember going to Men's Warehouse on Grape Road that afternoon and getting his suit. Grape road was a desert! I remember worry of gas prices going high to the $4-$5 range a gallon. I remember driving home two days later and the interstates being packed full of cars because that was the only way to get home. I remember the days following how our country came together and reached out to cling to something, anything. Many went to church. The churches were full but then people got back into their comfortable routine of sleeping in on Sunday's. Why should it take something so tragic for people to turn back to their faith? Why should it take an attack? During this day take some time to reflect on your life today and if you were to die would you have lived a life well marked?

Friday, September 7, 2012
Security what does that mean to you? Health, Money, Home, Family, Love, Friendships, the list could go on forever! I have not read Beth Moore's "So Long Insecurity". Maybe one day. These days I find myself filled with insecurities in my health and who I am. As the time approaches to the one year mark of my surgery I am unsure of what the Dr. Khairi will tell me when I see him sometime in October. I am fearful towards the x-rays. I have been through so much and have trusted and clung to Jesus during those times so why I am allowing this fear to creep in? Today I took one of my children in for their well child visit and the doctor said he heard a innocent heart murmur and said he saw slight scoliosis in his back wanting him checked. These things while they are just that innocent that scare me to death! Why? I have been through so much with one child and heart defects I don't want to go down that path again. Even though I know that many children have these innocent heart murmur's. It's just uneasy for me. And then starting x-ray's this young for scoliosis scares me to death! Yes, I know we are just WATCHING it for now and keeping an eye on it to see if it progresses or not but I don't want my children to have to go through what I have. And yes I fully know he is young enough to catch and fix any problems. I know all of this but knowing and believing and two different things. I know he is in God's hands and I am too but in our human flesh that does not make it easier! May the Lord give me the strength I need to deal with the things I can not change. If you would please lift me in prayer over the next few weeks and months.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Come Just As You Are
These past few weeks have been especially hard as three beautiful children were moved to another Foster Home. It hurts. I have cried alot! God knows EXACTLY where I am at and what I needed! Little did I know it is coming in the form of an event that I did NOT want to go to this year because I was upset about less conference time and the ticket price increase. Needless to say God has a message for me this weekend and I am going to Women of Faith conference in Chicago called Beyond Brokenness with Ken Davis, my friends Shelia Walsh and Lisa Harper! I am looking forward to a time of tears and being spoken to. My friend Kim called me last week and said she had gotten a call from Women of Faith to see if she wanted to attend and they were offering her a buy one get one free ticket. She called me and I said SIGN ME UP!!! Come heck or high water I was going! A weekend in Chicago with my Best Friend and NO KIDS!!! YES PLEASE!!!!
Back to last week and the children being most know who read my blog my husband had wanted to Foster to Adopt for along time. I agreed to check it out. We were certified this past spring and had a call for children the day after Easter. We were told it would be a few days respite but turned into 67 days! We had in our home a 9 year old Foster Daughter, 9 year old Daughter, 8 year old Foster Son, 6 year old son, 5 year old son, 4 year old Foster Child and a 2 year old Foster Daughter. Yes, we had 7 under 9 in our home! It was filled with laughter, fun, memories, exhaustion, tears and love! On Mothers day the 9 year old FD got moved for a few days due to being very aggressive. Note you are NOT trained in your Foster Parent classes on how to deal with such behaviors. She later was "removed" and due to other circumstances her siblings were moved also this past Friday. We were really hoping to get her back and try again but nope. Foster Parents don't get a second chance. I feel as though I failed. It HURTS bad! I want to get even with revenge. I want some one to know how bad this hurts and to know how unfair this is to us and to the kids! But there is nothing I can do to change the outcome. I will keep going on. I will heal but for now I am allowing myself to feel the hurt.

Back to last week and the children being most know who read my blog my husband had wanted to Foster to Adopt for along time. I agreed to check it out. We were certified this past spring and had a call for children the day after Easter. We were told it would be a few days respite but turned into 67 days! We had in our home a 9 year old Foster Daughter, 9 year old Daughter, 8 year old Foster Son, 6 year old son, 5 year old son, 4 year old Foster Child and a 2 year old Foster Daughter. Yes, we had 7 under 9 in our home! It was filled with laughter, fun, memories, exhaustion, tears and love! On Mothers day the 9 year old FD got moved for a few days due to being very aggressive. Note you are NOT trained in your Foster Parent classes on how to deal with such behaviors. She later was "
Friday, May 4, 2012
Hoosier! Central Indiana
Hello! I will introduce you to me by using the ABC's! :)
A-Ability to laugh! This is so very important in life! I love to make others laugh!
B-Boys I have 4! 2 of my own and 2 Foster Children.
C-Candy! Favorite kind comes from Goodys Candy in Shirley where it is made FRESH with no perseveres! LOVE their Chocolate covered cherries!
D-I am a child of divorce and have made it my mission to not do this.
E-Extravagant Grace, Love and Joy from the father above given to me!
F-Friendly. I know no strangers! Drives my husband crazy! Also, Foster mom too! This is new
G-Girls I have 3! One of my own and 2 Foster
H-Heart Mom....I am one!
I-Iowa is where my heart is and will always be!
J-Joy...I try to find it wherever I go.
K-Kyphosis.....I have had it and have survived 2 major back surgeries!
L-Looking at old houses! So much character to them!
M-memories are so fun to make
N-Nosy I am! My husband can not leave Christmas gifts in our house!
O-Over comer!!!!!!
P-photos-love taking them and preserving them
Q-Queen of my house! :)
R-Reader. Karen Kingsbery is my FAVORITE!
S-Survivor of surgeries, health issues and many other things! God has been with me!!
T-Time you spend with a person is more important than the material gift
U-Underdog is my favorite Audio A CD!
V-Victories in Christ! May not always see it at the moment but it shows up!
X-X-rays-I have had toooooooooooooo many to count!
Y-Y must you ask? We go to Beaver Island every summer for vacation!!! Love that place!
Z-I need to get some zzzz's!
My kidos are ages 9,8,7,6,5,4,and 2! And I am a pastors wife but that does not define who I am!
Look forward to meeting you all!
A-Ability to laugh! This is so very important in life! I love to make others laugh!
B-Boys I have 4! 2 of my own and 2 Foster Children.
C-Candy! Favorite kind comes from Goodys Candy in Shirley where it is made FRESH with no perseveres! LOVE their Chocolate covered cherries!
D-I am a child of divorce and have made it my mission to not do this.
E-Extravagant Grace, Love and Joy from the father above given to me!
F-Friendly. I know no strangers! Drives my husband crazy! Also, Foster mom too! This is new
G-Girls I have 3! One of my own and 2 Foster
H-Heart Mom....I am one!
I-Iowa is where my heart is and will always be!
J-Joy...I try to find it wherever I go.
K-Kyphosis.....I have had it and have survived 2 major back surgeries!
L-Looking at old houses! So much character to them!
M-memories are so fun to make
N-Nosy I am! My husband can not leave Christmas gifts in our house!
O-Over comer!!!!!!
P-photos-love taking them and preserving them
Q-Queen of my house! :)
R-Reader. Karen Kingsbery is my FAVORITE!
S-Survivor of surgeries, health issues and many other things! God has been with me!!
T-Time you spend with a person is more important than the material gift
U-Underdog is my favorite Audio A CD!
V-Victories in Christ! May not always see it at the moment but it shows up!
X-X-rays-I have had toooooooooooooo many to count!
Y-Y must you ask? We go to Beaver Island every summer for vacation!!! Love that place!
Z-I need to get some zzzz's!
My kidos are ages 9,8,7,6,5,4,and 2! And I am a pastors wife but that does not define who I am!
Look forward to meeting you all!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Grandma Cobb
Last night around 11:30p.m. Josh got a call from my dad that my Grandma had passed away. She was found in her apartment on the floor. My dad is in the hospital still. He sounded a bit relieved but I can also imagine the loss he feels as he has been the primary care giver for Grandma for the past five years. He has done an OUTSTANDING job!
Grandma grew up in Kansas and went to nursing school. I am not 100% how she got to Jefferson, Iowa but I know that she met Grandpa and and they were married and went to a Life Insurance conference for the honeymoon! That is love! They lived and raised three boys in Jefferson. My grandmother was a registered nurse and worked mainly in Surgery. She enjoyed her work there. As her boys grew up and moved on she found interest in quilting, she had quilted every quilt. She quilted with a group of ladies at her Church in Jefferson. She also enjoyed playing cards and going with Grandpa to play the piano. They enjoyed traveling to Colorado and Indiana to visit the grandkids. She also enjoyed church and the least favorite thing that she enjoyed doing was making Raseberry jam! The day after Grandpa died she got rid of all of her jam making supplies and never looked back! A smart women I am told. She delighted in her children, grandchildren and even five great-grandchildren. I am so blessed that I she was my grandma!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
These are the days
This past week has been filled with lots of tears on my part, lots of driving to appoitments and lots of getting little things done. There has also been lots of laughter that makes up for the exhaustion. I wouldn't trade it for anything but having a nanny or maid would be nice! :) There is a light at the end of this tunnel and the reward is great!
Piano Recital
Lily has been taking piano from Carolyn Patty for 7 months now. She is a fast learner and I am a proud mom! Thursday was her recital at Carolyn's home and it was wonderful to hear such talent from 8 young people! It's also neat to hear Lily play in her element in what God has gifted her in. One of guest also has a strong interest in the piano and I am excited that he will have the opportunity to allow him to learn. Blessed indeed even if on Thursday I was in my van 10 out of 12 hours. But was worth it!
Playing and Skyping!
Just long enough to reach the peddles.
Monday, April 9, 2012
An Easter to Remember!
We awoke on Sunday morning around 6a.m. Laying in bed stretching when the power went OUT! Mind you we don't keep flashlights handy! So, my husband was finishing getting ready while the kids and I waited hoping the power would come back on but it never did! Josh found a candle and lit that so he could stumble around the bathroom to finish getting ready. I was not too fond of caring the candle around with me. Thankfully I had left my computer plugged in and it had juice in the battery so I was able to use the screen for light. Little did we know that living in the country and not having electricity means you also have NO WATER!!!! It is run on a well and if the well can't pump well you get the idea! So, Josh is running around getting water for our Easter sunrise breakfast and so that the kids and I could at least brush our teeth. He brushed his BEFORE the power went out! We went over to church to have our SONrise service. It was SHORT because it was so cold in the church. Then we headed to the fellowship hall which THANKFULLY did have power but NO WATER! We enjoyed a nice breakfast and a time of fellowship with others. And the Lord LET THERE BE LIGHT just in time for church to start at 10:30a.m.! Praise Him! HE IS RISEN!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail Hopping Down the Bunny Trail
Easter........what comes to mind when you here the word? Family's gathered together for a big Ham dinner, Easter Egg Hunts out in the fresh green grass, dying eggs, getting lots of candy? Easter means that to us but oh so much more than the candy, the baskets and the pretty dresses Easter means that JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE!!!!!! What in the world does that mean? That means that Jesus died on the cross on Friday for you and me. Was dead and burried and the TOMB was found EMPTY on Sunday morning because HE HAD RISEN! Jesus Christ died for you and for me but he also rose so that we may have life ever lasting in him! That excites me! Can you imagine going to the grave of some one you loved to find out that they were no longer there!?!?!?! That would be crazy, scary, and upsetting! I can't even imagine being Mary that Sunday morning years ago expecting to mourn and bury Jesus but much to her surprise finding him ALIVE!!!! We have reason to get excited and celebrate that!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Dreams and Lisa Harper!
The other night I had this very clear dream of time spent with Lisa Harper! We were at a new conference at Bakers Life Field House in Indy. She was speaking and my friends wheeled me out in a wheelchair right as she was going into a story. The camera men caught me and I was mortified. It didn't help that the arena was not very full to boot. Then there was another one where a group of my friends and I were trying to find Lisa at her office. I knew I saw her go in but didn't know how to get past security to get to her!! Ha! Outside was Kathy Troccoli sitting doing a bible study and we chatted! The other part was Lisa was in Colorado at a ski cabin. It was winter and I knew she was there. Some how I got some bad news about my brother and I had saught out Lisa. I woke her up and she came out on the balcony with her bathrobe on and we stood with snow falling all around us with her reassuring me that everything would be ok and God was showing us his promises through the snow! Crazy stuff! But fun to blog about and hey if I'm lucky maybe Lisa will comment on this! I have seen her at WOF twice and LOVE her! Her heart is real and she is just plain down right funny! Last year my group stayed at the same hotel as the WOF ladies and so I got to meet her twice! If you get a chance you should read her books they change they way you look at the bible! It was really neat because when I met her at the hotel and telling her about my back she had stated that maybe I would be like the lady in the bible who had a hunched back and Jesus healed her! And I AM!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!
Friday, March 16, 2012
For anyone who has moved to a new area I am sure you have felt excitment as you will have a new place to explore, fear for the unkown and alone. How can you feel alone with people all around you? It's amazing how frequently this happens to people! Last night as I was sitting in the middle of the high school auditorum with no one on either side of me. No one to comment to. I felt all alone. This place is new and no one knew me and I knew no one. This is such a hard place to be but it will pass too. It always does.
Sitting and watching my daughter in the Annie play also brought along with it a whole nother slew of emotions. Emotions from when I was in high school. Emotions of not fitting in and wondering what could have been if I would have been involved in Drama. Now I know I enjoy Drama but what would be different if I would have put myself into then?
I also know the enemy had me right where he wanted me last night but I will not let that dampen my spirit today! Today is a new day!
Sitting and watching my daughter in the Annie play also brought along with it a whole nother slew of emotions. Emotions from when I was in high school. Emotions of not fitting in and wondering what could have been if I would have been involved in Drama. Now I know I enjoy Drama but what would be different if I would have put myself into then?
I also know the enemy had me right where he wanted me last night but I will not let that dampen my spirit today! Today is a new day!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Tree63-Look What You've Done For Me
Just wanted to share this song with you all! What can we do for our Lord? What is he asking YOU to do? How can you step out of YOUR comforter zone this next week? Maybe it's helping that frazzled mom out at the store or taking a cup of coffee to a shut in? You never know what God may want you to do until we are still and listen!
On a side note these past two nights as we live in the country the clouds have been clear at night and I have been amazed and in awe at the creation that the Father has lavished upon us for FREE in the beautiful night sky! If you ever get a chance to lay outside and watch the stars for some time it is pretty AMAZING as they get brighter and you see more and more pop out! God is truly a magnificant creator!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Life in the Parsonage!
I linked with Kellys Blog today! I have been in the parsonage ever since my DH and I got married! That was over ten years ago! I have learned much and grown much since that time when we unpacked our first U-Haul! Not all parsonages are perfect...our first one was ATTACHED to the back of the church and right next to Subway! This was nice when we had bad weather but not always nice because at times there was kids in the parsonage after church! I also learned that most parsonages are very very dated! Not something out of your HGTV show for sure! The first parsonage we had the bathroom had been a closet! But each parsonage we have lived in we have made it our home and we have made memories there! The first parsonage was where we first lived as a married couple, where we brought home our first born daughter and it was where alot of memories were made as I learned to COOK! Our second parsonage/home was a church goers home. It was in a perfect location and we made memories in this home also. We brought our second born son and third born son here. We had our share of ups and downs in this home too so leaving it was a happy moment but leaving the community was not! I loved living in that small rural Iowa town! It was perfect in every sense! We had a a Wal-Mart, great schools, a hospital, beautiful parks and could walk anywhere! We were even an hour away from two major cities! Iowa is where my heart is but alas God had bigger things in store for us! We found ourselves back in our home state and when my husband went to check out the church he took some pictures of the parsonage and when I saw the NEW kitchen with side by side refrigerator and brand NEW windows that opened I didn't need to see anymore! I asked my hubby when we were moving! Yes, the first two parsonages had windows that did not open! In our new parsonage it was beautiful and great! This church had taken wonderful care of the parsonage and we were blessed by that! The town was small with NO Wal-Mart or medical care just down the road more like 30min drive! No the less we had a blast with the yard and put in hundreds of tulip bulbs and 10 or so lilac bushes! We had planned on staying there FOREVER! Alas, God's plans are not always our plans! One back surgery failed and some mold issues that were not working out we had to move and this last move I pray is our LAST! Moving from the land of windmills was hard! We had an amazing support network there and people that had embraced us during surgies and other times. We moved to be closer to my neurosurgeon for a second back surgery. The parsonage we moved to is nice! Moving was interesting as we had a 3 week time frame to pack up! The day we moved there was no U-Haul there were pick up trucks and trailers! Yes, TALK ABOUT FAITH! All my earthly possessions were staked HIGH in the beds of the trucks and tied down with you guessed it ROPE!!! But everything made it with out loosing a thing! God is good! We are making improvements to this parsonage we call home and we do this at each of our parsonages. These are our homes and we treat them as such! I look forward to connecting with you all! Blessings!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Upgrading and Tips and Birthdays!
Here is my DD in my Grandmother and Grandfather Campbell's
Bean Fields!
Here is my Grandmother at my husbands Ordination dinner after church with
my Uncle John!
Well as you may or may not have noticed but I am attempting to change and update my blog. I have added a signature line which I like but am still working on the "Blog Header" and when I can one day in my next life perhaps figure out this photo editing thing I could have a really cool "Blog Header". In the mean time if you have any tips or suggestions I am all yours! Today is my Grandmother Cobb's 96th Birthday! She still lives on her own in an apartment and enjoys doing puzzles, sleeping, playing cards and going out to eat! She stays with my mom and dad too out at the farm! They do a GREAT job at taking care of her and I am blessed and grateful that they do this! I see my Grandma every morning on my computer screen! Love her! I wish I would have taken the time back when I was younger to learn how to make her raspberry jam but for now I am on my own! My other Grandmother who has since gone on to be with the Lord would have been 87 today! Yes, they shared the same birthdays! She was a tough old hen! I loved her dearly and some of the things she did were provided much entertainment! She loved to listen to her CB radio and if we went anywhere she had plenty of towels to cover such equipment up with! She even had the CLUB! She was quiet something! You never went hunger when around her though. She fed you well! She also could never decided if she wanted it HOT or COLD in their trailer and so one time when I was visiting I kid you not my grandfather got up 20 times in a 30 min. period to adjust the temperature for grandmother because it was too HOT or too COLD for her! I loved her though just the same! Happy Birthday to two very special ladies today! Flipping the blog!
Just wanted to brighten up the blog and add a few changes! What do ya think! One more coming this afternoon if I get it done! :)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Excitment and CHANGE!
God is moving in our lives and we could not be more excited! When Josh and I started dating he commented that he would like to be Foster Parents/Adoption. I on the other hand was DEAD set against it. NO WAY! NO HOW! I said I wanted to have our own first and enjoy them. We love our children dearly and enjoy them too! Almost 11 years later God has softened my heart, miracles do happen folks! About a month ago there was a serious of articles in the Indianapolis Star that ran about the need for Foster Parents and how helpless children were dying at the hands of parents, boyfriends, etc. This saddened me and inferiated me too! So, I went to the county office to find more information out and told Josh I was ready. He called and spoke to the Social Worker for our county and we were signed up for our first class. We went, learned about being a Foster Parent and the process to adoption. We also saw and heard some very raw feelings from the kids perspective. This past week we got a call about a sibling group that would thrive best if they were able to stay together and would we consider them. Josh and I talked and prayed about it. Called the Social Worker back and said YES! So, we are in the midist of becoming certified by the state of Indiana for Foster Parenting! This process is supposed to take 3-6 MONTHS but we are doing it in a matter of 2 WEEKS! Tomorrow DCS comes and does our home visit and we may have the kids as early as next week. The LORD has provided because I kept saying we don't have beds for them, were not ready and yesterday a friend said she had a bunk bed and another friend said she had a dresser we could use. The LORD IS FAITHFUL when we are in HIS WILL!!!!! I am just crazy excited and can not wait for next week! I know many think we are CRAZY but if this were our kids I would want someone to do the same. And not ALL Foster Kids are BAD they just are put into a situation that is our of their control and need Love, Patientce and direction! Stay tuned and keep praying!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Show Us Your Single Link-Jill
Presenting the Queen
Jill Campbell!
She is my cousin! Thus no match for her and my brother below! :) Here is the 101 on Jill from Jill herself!
Fun, adventurous American girl living 35 minutes north of the Washington state border in Canada. I know this shouldn't qualify me, but I am so close that I fly out of Seattle for most of my trips. And I grew up in Colorado and still consider it my home sweet home.
I am a nurse and I love my job. I came to Canada for nursing school and got attatched to the friends I have here, so I stayed. I do have a job that would allow me to go anywhere in the world. It is one of the things I love about it.
My family and friends know that I am generous and they are loved unconditionally. And I could go on and on about my nephews Lyndon and Sylis.
I love animals, especially dogs and I have a cat named Kona. Hawaii in 2008 was a highlight that I still love to this day.
Hobbies include camping, fishing, hiking, photography, roadtrips, and concerts. My favourite concert is a tie between U2 and Coldplay and Snow Patrol. I have safely traveled to distant places like India, Ethiopia, Japan, and oh yea Canada. It really isn't all white winter in the area that I am living. It is more like Seattle, rainy and green.
I am looking for a man that can interact with me on different levels. I am well versed in many topics and can keep up with the best of them. I would love to make you laugh at some point too. :)
A few last minute facts:
I love international films and would love to one day be in Africa for missions, even if it is just for a short time.
I also don't like to eat raw tomatoes. lol.
I love international films and would love to one day be in Africa for missions, even if it is just for a short time.
I also don't like to eat raw tomatoes. lol.
If your interested leave a comment and she shall see it! :)
Show Us Your Single Link
Presenting My Brother

John is a very funny, caring, christian man. He enjoys being outdoors! He LOVES to roller blade, take his dog Levi on runs and swimming. It is important to him to be healthy. John is game to try things for a first time like raw fish in China and eating things he does not know what they are! He just went to China on work and was eating things I WOULD not eat! He loves to camp and fish! He has tried all types of
fishing from Fly fishing in Colorado and Wyoming to Ice Fishing in Minnesota. He also has sent a time in Canada fishing. He spent a summer while in college at Yellowstone Park with Campus Crusade for Christ. He graduated from Purdue University and has been living in Toldeo, Ohio ever since. He is stable and ready to find the one to live and enjoy life with. He has worked for the same company for 5 years as a field service engineer where he has travled 95% of the time. BUT we are VERY excited because he is on his LAST travel job and will be in the office 90% of the time doing Mechincal Design Work. My brother
knows how to treat a lady like a queen! He also enjoys watching Big Ten Sports espically Purdue! BOILER UP! He enjoys spending time also with his 2 nephews and 1 niece. We are excited for him to be traveling less so we can visit him a little more.

If you are interested in John Cobb
you can leave a comment, or email him at

On one of his many camping Adventures!
Playing chess with his niece.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
How 6 years can change

mmy has been on has taught us so much more. It taught us to relay on each other and to relay on God. That HE IS THERE even when we think not! I will continue the story as the days progress. This has hit me harder this year than in years past. Timmy this morning was his happy, goofy self. Not wanting to get dressed and laughing so hard it took his breath away. I am blessed to be a heart mom and

ng what had gone on that morning. He took the news hard too. We forever grateful that the Lord NEVER leaves us NOR forsakes us! HE IS ALWAYS THERE!!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
What does a New Year mean to you?
As we are a few days into the new year what are your thoughts? Have you kept your new years resoultions? Have you broken it already? What are your goals for the next year?
Josh and I don't make new years resoultion. We never have. We usually spend some time reflecting on the past year. Where we have been and make a list of goals we would like to work towards. We have not done this yet this year. I hope we get too soon. I enjoy this time of laying the ground work and dreaming about our future and triphiuph over our past year.
I like to think that we continuely work towards goals in life. Some we may reach easily while others are there to challenge us and push us harder. One thing I am working on now, I have NEVER EVER been good at saving money. Just ask my brother! He was the tight wad growing up and so I was always asking him for money! This year my dad and Josh have felt that I am valuable and worthwhile to put time into me and teaching me about setting a goal AND Acomplishing that goal in the form of putting money in a savings account each week towards our trip this summer. Yes, I know something so simple but oh so hard for me to do. I a grateful to have these two men in my life to make me a better person!
Josh and I don't make new years resoultion. We never have. We usually spend some time reflecting on the past year. Where we have been and make a list of goals we would like to work towards. We have not done this yet this year. I hope we get too soon. I enjoy this time of laying the ground work and dreaming about our future and triphiuph over our past year.
I like to think that we continuely work towards goals in life. Some we may reach easily while others are there to challenge us and push us harder. One thing I am working on now, I have NEVER EVER been good at saving money. Just ask my brother! He was the tight wad growing up and so I was always asking him for money! This year my dad and Josh have felt that I am valuable and worthwhile to put time into me and teaching me about setting a goal AND Acomplishing that goal in the form of putting money in a savings account each week towards our trip this summer. Yes, I know something so simple but oh so hard for me to do. I a grateful to have these two men in my life to make me a better person!
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