Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Lily!

Well she came into this world at 5:45 p.m. on a Monday evening by emergency and I do say EMERGENCY c-section. She was born in 30mins flat. From the time I was on the table to the time she was out! She was fiesty. I am so blessed to have my little Lily. She is so caring, loving and a big helper. She's also very smart! I can't wait to see what the next year holds for her but it's going to be great! We are going to Adventureland tomorrow and having a princess party on Sunday. Then she gets a special shopping trip on Monday! I have one more year of Lily being home with mommy all day and I'm going to try and cherish every minute of it. Lily and I are alot alike in our temperments so this should be interesting in about ten years! Lily loves her gymnastics and singing Jesus Loves Me all four verses of it and she enjoys daddy and Lily time. Happy Birthday to my princess Lily! I loveYou!

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