I am so grateful we are blessed by you! We found out we were expecting you when Timmy was just 5 months old. We were surprised and scared. Timmy had just had heart surgery and so dealing with a new pregnancy and all of the what
if's that go along with it was hard. We had lots of ultra sounds and you were a very healthy little guy! During my pregnancy we could not decided on a name for you. I really wanted William but daddy did not want you called Will. My grandpa Cobb passed away while I was pregnant with you and Daddy agreed that if you were a boy we could name you William after my grandpa Cobb. And two weeks later we found out that you were indeed a boy! I was so excited!!!!! You were scheduled to come on Feb. 16
th but my body was tired of carrying you so I was in the hospital for
eclampsia and on Feb. 7
th and on Feb. 8
th the doctors decided it was time for you to come out. I think you by far were my
easiest c-section of all! It was a fun party like
atmosphere in the OR. Daddy arrived about 15
mins before you were born. We lived about an hour away and when I was told I was having a c-section in an hour daddy was at the store in
Grinnell. I told the doctor they had to wait until daddy could get there. So, they were able to get into the OR about 30 minutes after they had planned. You came out and the first thing I said was "WOW!!! He looks just like Grandpa Cobb!" And to this day you still do. Grandma Cobb found some old photos of when Grandpa graduated from high school and man you look so much like him! I am so grateful your in our life. You are funny,
ornery, loves to pray at meal time and at bed time, enjoying preschool and a charmer. It is going to be so much fun watching you grow up. You love to try new things! I love you William!!!! Happy Birthday!! Love, Mama!!
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