Friday, April 29, 2011

Every Where I Go!

This week's topic on the WOF blog hop is.....Do you have "other" mother's or are you one? I am one to the kids that come over and play at my home. Many times in the summer kids will end up at our house. There are days I LOVE it and days that it's chaotic and hectic! I enjoy it and am learning to embrace this roll as I look at the children as a blessing from him. Some may get fed only from my home that day. I may be the only listening adult ear they have to talk with. I am working on being open and receptive to these little ones that come to our home.
The title of my blog is Every Where I Go because throughout my life I have had many people who have had the mother influence on me and those who have been my mom when my biological mom was not around. We had Grandma Wanda who we would spend time with while mom was working, we had momma Shirley who loved on us as her own, there has been Mama Beth and Grandma Dottie, Deb and even my Aunt. So, many Godly women who have had a huge influence in my life. Women who have come along side me and loved on me when I was unlovable. Women who have stood in the gap and gave me guidance and direction. Perspective that I needed not always what I wanted to hear but what was spoken in love. I am grateful for these women who have been in my life. I will continue to be grateful for those who allow me to come over and cry, share a cup of coffee with and laugh with. So, who is influencing you or who are you influencing?

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