Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Story of Your Life on the Big Screen

This week at WOF Shelia is talking about the Story of Your Life being played out on the big screen. I am still wrapping my mind around the fact that God is CRAZY, MADLY in LOVE with ME!!!!! and YOU too!!! He know's EVERYTHING we have ever done or thought. Yet he STILL loves us!!! I Love that about God! He is the ONLY one who will LOVE us unconditionally! How AMAZING is that?!!! So, the story of my life would be played out as a Drama. And I am not really sure who I would want to play myself out? I am not big into who people are in the Movie world. I know that there would be a lot of high points along with a lot of low points along the way. How about you? I am thankful that the the God of the Universe LOVES ME no matter what I have done or thought. He still loves me and all I have to do is ask him to forgive any wrong's and they are washed away by his blood! Thank You Jesus!

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