I remember it just as you were born yesterday! The night before you were born we had gone to Mommy's favorite little resturant called Kecly's. Mommy had Prime Rib!! Yummy!!! Well, it was yummy until I had gotten sick and could not eat or drink anything after midnight! We got up the next day ready to head to the hospital at 10a.m. We arrived and got checked in. We got to go back into the OR early and you were born with a flood of water all over everyone at 11:57 a.m. Dr. Rebelsky said "It's a BOY!" Daddy did not believe her until he saw it! He was very excited to have his FIRST SON!!!!! We stayed in the hospital until after church on Christmas day. You were such a good baby. You had a hard go of life in the begining but are doing amazingly well now! You are aspiring to be a "Race Car" driver! You enjoy reading about racing and maybe in the next year you will get to go to your first NASCAR race!! I am very excited for you! I love watching you grow! You are 110% all boy! You love to chase your sister around and gross her out! I know she really enjoys it even though she screams the whole time! You are in all day kindergarten and doing great! As a matter of fact today for the first time you colored IN the lines! Your teacher and I were very impressed with that!!!! I Love You!
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