Thursday, February 28, 2013

When Life Throws You A Curve......


 This past week has been far from uneventful!  It all started last week when after having a D&C last January it was time for the monthly visit again!  Well, all was well and the D&C was working as it should have been until Friday morning when I work up and had an issue.  I called the doctor at 5a.m. only to be told to take some Ibuprofen and call the office for some medication to help stop the issue at hand.  I got to the pharmacy to have to wait for them to open at 8a.m.  What happened to places being open BEFORE and AFTER when the rest of the world has to work????  Well, I ran to work explained to my supervisor what was going on and that I would be back.  I went back took the medicine and some Ibuprofen to have the flow stop slightly but I was still white as a sheet from loosing so much ahhhhmmmmmm blood.  My very wonderful Thrifty neighbor at work watched me all day.  I had to stay until 5:15 to make up for lost time coming in.  When I left I needed to run an errand but first with out a stop to the little girls room.  To which I found a greater loss and the medicine was now NOT working.  I drove to Nobelsville to grab a couple pairs of dress paints and jeans.  I went into Old Navy, asked the clerk for a pair of jeans in my size, paid for them.  While paying for them the I asked the young male clerk (1st mistake) if I could put them on after paying for them and where the bathroom was.  The very nice male clerk said "why do you want to put on different jeans?  You already have jeans on!"  I said I was just tired of wearing the jeans and did not want to mortify this young male clerk with the details of why I really needed to change!  He even went as far to ask if "I had a date!!"  Um...yeah...NOOO!!!!!!  So, I rant to JcPenny's grabbed my pants which to my delight were on SALE!!! Yahoo!!! Not going to complain about that one! :)  Then I ran to get gas (for the car), and was not feeling so hot and just knew things were NOT right!  I called my doc who hemmed and hawed about what to do because it was the weekend and he just didn't want to do surgery.  He told me to go home, rest, eat something and rest some more.  So, I went to Wendy's all the while in Noblesville grabbed something to eat, got back on I-69 towards Anderson.  I was just not having staying all night in my apartment ALONE.  What if I got to the point where my hemoglobin was too low?  All the What If's ran through my mind.  So, what do I do...I stop at Meijer to grab a couple of pair of sweat pants and other items so I could at least be clean!  Yes, I know again TMI but this is my blog and my account kind of like a birth story with out the baby!  After Meijer things were just not feeling great so I drove to the ER in Anderson to where I was treated fabulously and quickly!  They drew my blood, typed it, gave me a shot and I hung tight.  Remember I had just eaten an hour earlier so ANY possibility of surgery was OUT!  So, with the ER doc, Dr. Blake and others the decision was made to put me in the hospital over night to observe and getting bleeding under control.  I think I would have been kicking and screaming if they had sent me home!  My blood pressure and vitals were all in the low normal range.  My blood pressure always run's low anyways.  So, Saturday morning my hemoglobin was down to 9.3 not dangerously low but not ok.  I got up and ate and made sure it was going up before Dr. Blake and I decided that I could go home.  My mom came down, rescued me and took me home.  Dr.  Blake is a really awesome doctor and I am blessed to have him as my GYN during this time in my life.   He came up to the hospital on Saturday to see me and we decided that we could wait to do surgery until Monday.  This was a tough call but since bleeding was under control and my mom was there he was ok with it plus he wanted to go into surgery with HIS or staff which I totally respect and get!  So, Monday I went in for Outpatient Laproscopic Hysterectomy.   Now, I had to be typed for blood again because I had taken off my wrist band and it had been 90 hours since the last time.  The lady came in to stick me and let me tell you there was something about here that I just did not like!  She came in looked me over because here I am a 34 year old women having this procedure done.  One thing I learned was that female issues know NO age!  She looked at my arm veins which had already been poked a lot!  I said you can try there but PLEASE don't dig!  She promised she would thought is there are always more veins to pick from...please save me the pain of digging!!!  When she popped the needle off I mentioned that is a pretty large needle!  She said it's normal but I CAN NOT SEE!!!!! I thought then what in the world are YOU doing drawing my blood!  I joked and said maybe we should move to where the light was brighter.  She just poked that puppy in and HIT A NERVE!!!!!! I have had a lot of blood drawn and NEVER in my adult life have I CRIED like I did.  That pain shot all the way down to my thumb.  I still have some tingly feeling with it but it is getting better.  I went into surgery wide awake after asking for the happy medicine before.  My anesthesiologist kept asking why they didn't give and I said they got busy and Dr. Blake came in just before I was wheeled in here.  So, it took him a big longer to get me to happy land and I really don't like being awake in the OR when I am anticipating having a tube down my throat.  I HAVE NEVER though been awake for that part and I hope and pray I NEVER will be!!!!!!  Dr. Blake came in as I was being put to sleep.  I woke up and was done.  The surgery was a bit more painful due, more like a c-section but with out the baby.  In many ways I am relieved that I am DONE with that phase of my life and don't have to worry about it anymore but on the same side I am a bit sad....wait NO I AM NOT! :)  Well, next time will be a post about Worshiping with My Kids at the Chris Tomlin Concert tomorrow night!!!!!!


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