Thursday, June 20, 2013

Your children

Lily my oldest, she is 10, has been having a hard time getting to sleep at night.  She wakes up having nightmare's that Hyena's and bears are going to get her!  Or she also dreams something bad is going to happen to someone important in her family at night.  We pray every night for the enemy to flee and for the God of angel armies to be around her, before the door, in between the door and on the other side.  We also pray for the precious and holy blood of Jesus to wash over her!  We listen to praise and worship music that she knows too.  Last night was a sweet moment for me as a mom,  she started praying that the enemy would get out of her head and that Jesus would protect her!  It's a powerful moment as a mom when your child is praying and believing the prayers they have heard prayed over them!  It is so important as a parent that our kids HEAR us praying over them not just a dinner or when something goes wrong but each and every day.  For some it may be hard for you to do this because you don't like the way your prayers sound,  it does not matter HOW they sound rather it matters that God hears them and your kids here them.  Now you may be reading this and not have any kids of your own BUT there are kids in your life, allow them to see you pray.  You may be the only person they every see pray! 

"...future generations will be told about the Lord.  They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn--for he has done it." Psalms 22:30-31

Monday, June 17, 2013


I am not sure if I did a post on this or not but it means so much to me that I am going to write about it again!!!!  At my church, Madison Park, each Sunday during worship that are 5 different stations you can go to.  They are a cross where you can pin your prayer requests to it and KNOW that a member of the pastoral team is praying for that request throughout the week, light a candle, kneel and prayer, communion and finally anointing with oil.  I LOVE the fact that my church ENCOURAGES you to get up out of your seat and move around as the spirit leads you!  I have served communion for a while now.  I have served every Sunday despite my best efforts to get out of it one Sunday because I just wasn't feeling it!  I am BLESSED beyond measure to serve each and every week!  I can not tell you how amazing it is to look somebody in the EYE and say "The Body of Christ Broken for YOU!"  Sometimes they will tell you their name and it takes it to a whole new level because now you have made the connection!  What I find interesting is that you can tell the people who do it week after week because its ritual and then you can the people who do it out of the spirit moving them to do it!  The differences is that the person who does it week after week is going through the line quickly, just to get done.  The person who is taking the elements because the spirit is moving them takes it all in.  Takes that moment to share their name.  The savor the moment's of partaking in the body of Christ and the blood shed for them!  We have had some new worship leaders leading us in worship for about a month now and the ice BROKE yesterday!!!!  I can not tell you how AMAZING it was to be at the back of the church serving communion AND singing GIVE ME FAITH!!!!  The Holy spirit's presences was so powerful, I wanted to stay there FOREVER!!!!!!!!  My challenge to you is to serve communion.  It's not hard.  It does not requiring anything special.  All it requires is a WILLING heart to present the elements of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!
