Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter week prepartion

So, we have had two nights of meetings. We don't have any tonight but tomorrow is Maundy Thursday and so my husband has a service to go to and I have a PTO meeting to go. My boys don't like going to the PTO meetings. William screams most of the time. I feel so bad for the teenager girls who watch them but am so thankful that they do! Then the youth have an overnighter on Friday night along with a community Good Friday Service. Then Saturday we have a BIG HUGE Easter egg hunt! Yeah we are "hidding" placing on the lawn 2,500 easter eggs and the easter bunny will be telling the story of Easter along with BIG give aways! Good Times! Then Sunday we celebrate the EMPTY TOMB!! My mil and husband's grandmother come down on Friday so that will be nice to have them to entertain the kids. On Sunday I cook a big easter dinner. Why do I do this to myself? The holidays are supposed to be times with less stress and the times you enjoy each other. It never seems to be that way around our house. Espically with being in the pastorate. I enjoy it but there are times like Christmas and Easter when I wish we could SLOW down and ENJOY the time! But this is our life and we are in this together! So, I hope that you get time to spend reflecting on the fact that JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!! HOW AMAZING COOL IS THAT!!! That is SOOOOOOO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is something to get EXCITED ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a sinner and God LOVES ME for that and he has FORGIVEN me for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!
Each time I see this video I cry!!! So AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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