Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tree63-Look What You've Done For Me

Just wanted to share this song with you all!  What can we do for our Lord?  What is he asking YOU to do?  How can you step out of YOUR comforter zone this next week?  Maybe it's helping that frazzled mom out at the store or taking a cup of coffee to a shut in?  You never know what God may want you to do until we are still and listen! 

On a side note these past two nights as we live in the country the clouds have been clear at night and I have been amazed and in awe at the creation that the Father has lavished upon us for FREE in the beautiful night sky!  If you ever get a chance to lay outside and watch the stars for some time it is pretty AMAZING as they get brighter and you see more and more pop out!  God is truly a magnificant creator!


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