Friday, May 4, 2012

Hoosier! Central Indiana

Hello!  I will introduce you to me by using the ABC's! :)
A-Ability to laugh!  This is so very important in life!  I love to make others laugh! 
B-Boys I have 4!  2 of my own and 2 Foster Children. 
C-Candy!  Favorite kind comes from Goodys Candy in Shirley where it is made FRESH with no perseveres!  LOVE their Chocolate covered cherries!
D-I am a child of divorce and have made it my mission to not do this.
E-Extravagant Grace, Love and Joy from the father above given to me!
F-Friendly.  I know no strangers!  Drives my husband crazy!  Also, Foster mom too!  This is new
G-Girls I have 3!  One of my own and 2 Foster
H-Heart Mom....I am one!
I-Iowa is where my heart is and will always be!
J-Joy...I try to find it wherever I go.
K-Kyphosis.....I have had it and have survived 2 major back surgeries!
L-Looking at old houses!  So much character to them!
M-memories are so fun to make
N-Nosy I am!  My husband can not leave Christmas gifts in our house!
O-Over comer!!!!!!
P-photos-love taking them and preserving them
Q-Queen of my house! :)
R-Reader.  Karen Kingsbery is my FAVORITE!
S-Survivor of surgeries, health issues and many other things!  God has been with me!!
T-Time you spend with a person is more important than the material gift
U-Underdog is my favorite Audio A CD!
V-Victories in Christ!  May not always see it at the moment but it shows up!
X-X-rays-I have had toooooooooooooo many to count!
Y-Y must you ask?  We go to Beaver Island every summer for vacation!!! Love that place!
Z-I need to get some zzzz's!

My kidos are ages 9,8,7,6,5,4,and 2!  And I am a pastors wife but that does not define who I am! 
Look forward to meeting you all!


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